

The most important learning ability is listening. It is what is referred to as a latent skill or a responsive ability since it expects us to use our ears and minds to comprehend what is being said to us or addressed to us. It is the first of two typical learning skills.

Listening is one of the important skills for students as well as to professionals. Listening is an inherent and inborn skill that any human being. Out of the four skills of communication, listening is used the highest in our day-to-day context.

It can be said that among all these three skills

1. Listening is learnt the first (Since birth)

2. Taught the least (Almost not in classroom situations)

3. Use the most (45%)

"The Best Communicator is One who is a Best Listener"

Attentive Listening

When you listen to something with full attention. It helsps you in learning the fuller meaning of what is being said. It also helps you in retaining the information for a longer period of time.

For eg. Listening in Classroom or Listening for Other Academic and Important Reasons.

In-attentive Listening

When you listen to something without paying much attention or for specific purpose. It helps you in getting the overview of the information being said. It helps in achieving the short-term recreational or educational goal.

For e.g. Listening to Music, Listening to Dialogues of a Movie, Listening to the Questions in a Viva or Classroom Situations where Spontaneous reply is Desired.

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