
English Language Lab

A language laboratory is a lab/room set up in a school to learn any foreign language in a more effective way, emphasizing on development of speaking and listening skill.

According to American Heritage, “Language laboratory is a room designed for learning foreign languages and equipped with tape recorders, video cassette recorders, or computers connected to monitoring devices enabling the instructor to listen and speak to the students individually or as a group."

According to the Webster’s New World College definition, “The language laboratory is a classroom in which students learning a foreign language can practice sound and word patterns individually or under supervision with the aid of audio equipment, etc.”

We may say, “A Language Laboratory is a room in a School, College, Training Institute, University or Academy that contains special equipment to help students learn foreign languages by listening to tapes or CDs, watching videos, recording themselves, etc.”

Advantages of language lab

  Students get into deeper side of language.

  Language lab allows for diversity in the classroom.

  Students learn much faster in the language lab.

  The teacher takes on a more important role in the language lab.

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